
  • MaharshiisanactionfilmstarringMaheshBabuandPoojaHegdeinleadroles.AllariNareshisqiwan.ccplayingakeyroleinth…
  • 曾经的“未来之城”林肯城,4%人口具有超能力,其中大多数却在自动化潮流中陷入贫困与歧视的泥沼,日渐成为社会负…
  • Serinda Swan将主演Morwyn Brebner创作的CBC剧集《Coroner》。 本剧受M.R. Hall的畅销系列小说启发,主要…
  • 七十年代的意大利,充斥着性解放,女权主义,同性恋等各种思潮,一对年轻的父母在各自的自由中迷失,孩子眼里,虽…
  • The six-person crew of a derelict spaceship awakens from stasis in the farthest reaches of space. Their me…
  • Maharshi is an action film starring Mahesh Babu and Pooja Hegde in lead roles. Allari Naresh is qiwan.cc p…
  • Nani (Allari Naresh) is a trepid and fearful guy who works as a software engineer. Bullet (Sakshi Chaudhar…
  • 该剧根据资深科幻编剧Joseph Mallozzi和Paul Mullie(《星际之门》系列剧集的创作)的同名图画小说改编,一艘被遗…
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