
  • Someone"s trying to make the students sick at the upscale boarding school, Danforth Academy! Abby, Pa…
  • A disgraced ex special forces agent turns to a demon that offers him a job as a soul hunter. Chaos ensues …
  • 山姆小時候曾被關在黑暗的空間,所以長大後對於密閉空間有恐慌症,而他獨特的生活方式改變了他的家人、朋友和社區…
  • 当一个失败的魔药实验给米尔德丽德留下了一个全新的形象时,她能在太阳下山之前完成三个不可能的挑战并逆转咒语吗…
  • When a botched potions experiment leaves Mildred with a whole new look, can she complete three impossible …
  • 马丁布里斯托尔回到了一切开始的地方:他被绑架的家。但他不是10多年前失踪的男孩。折磨和虐待在他的精神病俘虏G…
  • The queer erotic horror-comedy A CLOSER WALK WITH THEE follows Jordan, a young Christian missionary who ge…
  • 海军上校达吉(凯尔希·格兰莫 Kelsey Grammer 饰)生性狂放不羁,因为屡犯军纪而被贬职,成为了即将报废的潜水艇…
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